Hello Guys, it has been a longg longg time. Actually I finished this weeks ago but the site is not updated to its place yet. So I couldn’t be bother.
Anyhow, as usual. Enjoy!
Deep check and Enable Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 for Windows 11
Hello Everyone!
It’s been a while. You already heard the news on Windows 11. I hope you guys are excited just like me. With all new features coming up ahead. It seems Microsoft is trying to catch up with the game right now. The last jigsaw to this is the new CPU where Intel will be announcing later this year. Isn’t this exciting?

Now what I want to share with you guys today is about the current concern with Trusted Platform Module that you guys are probably having. Whether your PC is able to install and run Windows 11 or not? Here I have the solutions.
Continue reading Deep check and Enable Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 for Windows 11WinRAR 5.3 Beta 1 Corporate
Hello Friends,
Today Rarlab has just released the latest beta of version 5.3 beta 1 to the public. This time they have finally added and support 7zip extension. (001,002,003,00x and 7zx one)
So I have removed some part of my tweak, not to complicate things.
Continue reading WinRAR 5.3 Beta 1 CorporateWinRAR 5.21 Final Corporate
It’s Official Windows 10 is the next best thing!
Dear Friends,
I just upgraded my Windows 8.1 on Alienware 14 to Windows 10 Preview today. What I found is that there are many changes in OS upgrade process, where there is no compatibility issue I used to face back in the old days. Microsoft has really really improved theirs tech on this and I am very impress. The OS is fluid, every single functions work perfectly just like they should be. I also can’t deny that I’m feeling some influences of the flow and UI from the OSX. However, Windows 10 is completely overthrown the OSX premiumness at this point.
I have complete no doubt that this will be the next big thing for 2015, and it will completely changes the face of the current Windows platform forever.
Continue reading It’s Official Windows 10 is the next best thing!
WinRAR 5.21 Beta 2 Corporate
Hello Guys,
Let’s get update with the latest BETA version of WinRAR.
Continue reading WinRAR 5.21 Beta 2 CorporatesKz is on LINE!
Merry Christmas! N’ Happy New Year!
Hi Guys,
We are approaching the end of year 2014, again just another year is passing by. This year has been an exciting year for us since next year the new chapter of Windows OS will once emerge again. I hope you all have purchased your own license and get ready for the update.
I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year! See you again in 2015!
WinRAR 5.20 Final Corporate
It’s here the final version of 5.20.
Grab it here!
Continue reading WinRAR 5.20 Final CorporateWinRAR 5.11 Final Corporate
Dear All,
I’m proud to announce the latest release of WinRAR 5.11 Final corporate version to you all.
Continue reading WinRAR 5.11 Final Corporate